Journal Entries...

"A Rant About 'Technology'" - Ursula K. Le Guin

What is technology? What deems something "technologically advanced", and does it require electricity?

"My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge. What could yours be?" - Laurel Schwulst

A website can be a plethora of things. Whether it's an online shop, wiki site, or even a Spotify music generator, all are considered websites. There is no limit to what a website can be, making it a living, growing organism.

"The Poetry of Tools" - Mindy Seu

The web is living because it can die, and things are time sensitive.

"A Friend is Writing" - Copy Copley

An “Experimental web publishing project”, in which there's a plethora of information and written content. Attacked like a virus, I was bombarded with 50+ messages and flashing buttons. In that moment, I've never once before yearned for a subway surfers edit below the screen. My patience was stretched incredibly thin. Attention can be exchanged, and can be used like a currency.